Friday, May 15, 2009

Properties of three states of Matter




Have definite mass

Have a definite mass

Have a definite mas

Have definite shape

Takes the shape of the bottom of the container

Takes the shape of the whole container

Have definite volume

Have definite volume

Volume varies (expends or contracts to fill the container)

Expansion is slow when heated

Expansion is medium when heated

Has got high expansion when heated

Particles are slow moving

Particles move at a medium rate

Particles are fast movin

The space between particle(intermolecular space) is as minimum as possible

The space between particles(intermolecular space) is in an average

The intermolecular space is very large

Intermolecular attraction is very slow

Intermolecular attraction is average

Intermolecular attraction is very weak

Molecules are tightly and rigidly packed in a fixed position

Molecules are less rigidly packed to allow minimum movement

Molecules are very loosely packed


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